Formal Education

  • Diploma in Electronic Engineering Technology
  • First year completion of Bachelor of Science

Informal Education

  • Studio Lighting Photography Course
  • Outdoor Natural Kight Photography Course


Owner/Photographer, Company Name, Dates

Photography transformed from a hobby and passion for capturing childhood and family moments to a profession. I took online courses to learn about lighting and posing, but was largely selftaught. I provided professional photography but also shot several weddings and headshots for professionals.

As the owner, I managed my website, social media account on Facebook, and managed accounts receivable. I was in charge of marketing my business on social media and through print. I also developed my communication skills with clients as I received many inquiries via email, through social media, and over the phone. In addition, I developed excellent time management skills as
during busy times of the year, I would have deadlines for delivering files to clients.

Electronics Technician, Company Name, Dates

The focus of my role as electronics technician for [Company] was to resolve technical problems. Working as part of a team, I employed extensive problem solving skills to understand all issues causing inoperability. In order to effectively problem solve problems I would run diagnostic tests on the equipment, and then utilize manuals and technical schematics to research the problem. Often, I would need to order a new part to resolve a problem. Quite often, we would be under strict deadlines which fostered problem solving skills and maintaining composure under pressure.

Another focus of my job was performing routine maintenance . Again, this
job was always done working as part of a team, as following safety protocols was paramount. All routine maintenance was done following procedures and documentation, which taught me how to follow official policies and pass quality control standards.

In order to perform my role effectively, maintaining excellent communication skills was vital. I would speak to trades people (we often liaised with other trades people to problem solve), and my supervisor to keep everyone informed of our progress. I would also communicate via email when necessary.

Understanding how such complex systems worked required additional training and courses For example, I was one of a small group of technicians who were qualified In order to do my job effectively, I received training for six months This training course provided me with the knowledge to effectively trouble shoot and maintain each sub-system . I took the course and the time spent at the school allowed me to foster good working relationships with members.

One of the most rewarding responsibilities of my job was mentoring and training apprentices. Apprentices spend upwards of four years learning the job through hands on training and guidance from “journeymen” technicians. We would teach apprentices how to safely work on equipment, follow protocols, how to liaise with other trades when necessary, and of course about the equipment itself. Teaching is a wonderful tool to pass on knowledge, but also to find out weak areas in your own abilities.

Electronics Technician Apprentice, Company Name, Dates

As an electronics apprentice, I was given the opportunity to work in each electronic systems department. I would spend six-month rotations working in each department. The time spent in each department was invaluable, and I was able to build on previous knowledge in each rotation through a new department.

In each rotation, I was able to work under experienced technicians who all passed down knowledge and guidance they had acquired over many years on the job. Every job and new assignment would provide a new learning opportunity. On some jobs, I would learn intricate details about a piece of equipment. On other jobs, I would learn more about following maintenance procedures and guidelines, or how to gather information from the technical library. The learning opportunities were endless and varied, which made for a rich learning environment.

The time spent working as an apprentice allowed me to build my practical skills and knowledge on top of the theoretical learning, I did at . The time also allowed me to foster good working relationships with technicians from each department and was an opportunity for me to decide which area I wanted to focus on. I chose to focus my skills on electronics weapons systems, as I found the work challenging, interesting, and I felt I would have the most success in
this area. Also, I had a good rapport with the technicians in this department and I felt it would be a positive working environment.

Marketing Manager, Company Name, Dates

In my role as marketing manager, I worked with sales staff and management to develop marketing campaigns for specific target markets. My responsibilities included booking booths at major conferences, as well as coordinating all of the trade show logicistics in support of sales staff.
In addition, I performed routine clerical tasks and office duties including filing, operating office equipment, printing sales documents, and am proficient with Microsoft Word and Excel.

Volunteer Work, Dates

As a mother, I’ve spent countless hours volunteering at my children’s preschool and at their elementary school. My eldest daughter which meant that every second or third week I would volunteer in the preschool for the
morning or afternoon. In addition, as a member of a co-op preschool, I held responsibilities that included ensuring the earthquake kit was up to date and stocked, and organizing and putting together end of year books for each child.

At the public-school level, I have volunteered my time for lice checks, helping with hot lunches, helping in the classroom, and have been on many field trips as a parent helper. I’ve also helped the teachers outside of the school hours by acting as the Scholastic book representative for the class. Every month, I would organize the flyers and order forms and place the orders on behalf
of the teachers. These Scholastic book orders helped to raise money for the classroom, which meant that teachers could use the funds raised to buy books and supplies for their classroom.

Additionally, I volunteer at my daughter’s to help raise money through bake sales and performances.

Interests and Additional Experiences

  • Running, 2014 – present: I took up running as a healthy way to manage the stress and challenges of being a parent. As a new runner, I first set the goal of running a 10k race. I’ve since completed several 10k races and one half marathon. I enjoy the additional challenge of training for a race.
  • Gardening, 2010 – present: After the purchase of our new home, I fell in love with gardening. I love the experimental nature of gardening and take great pleasure in seeing the results of my hard work. I’ve found it’s a gift I can share with my children.
  • Photography, 2012 – present: After the birth of my second child I fell in love with photography. I bought my first DSLR camera and flexed my creative muscle. I still enjoy it tremendously as a hobby.

Summary of Life-Long Learning

A chronological summary is included below, demonstrating actions as a life-long learner. This summary includes both formal education and informal education discussed throughout this autobiographical resume:

  • Began studies towards Bachelor of Arts Degree
  • Studio Lighting Photography Course
  • Outdoor Natural Light Photography Course
  • Completed Electronics Technician Apprenticeship
  • Completed Electronics Engineering Technology Diploma
  • Began studies towards a Bachelor of Science Degree